Removing Inquiries for Multiple Loan Applications
Dear Experian, While looking for a new car the auto dealer shopped the best rate for a loan, generating seven or eight hard credit inquiries, which have dropped my score. Can I have these hard...
View ArticleUnrecognized Inquiries and Fraud
Dear Experian, What do I do if I see a request for credit information from a company I am unfamiliar with? - LCF Dear LCF, If you see an inquiry on your credit report that you do not recognize, the...
View ArticleDo Employers do a Hard or Soft Inquiry?
With your written permission, employers may obtain a limited copy of your credit report for employment purposes. When employers request your credit report, it generates a soft inquiry. Soft inquiries...
View ArticleCan Anyone Look at My Credit Report at Any Time?
Dear Experian, Who can access my credit report? Other than me, can anyone just look at my report anytime they want, or do they have to have my permission? Is there anything you can do to prevent...
View ArticleHow Long Do Hard Inquiries Stay on Your Credit Report?
Whether it's a retail credit card or a jumbo mortgage loan, whenever you apply for credit the lender will likely pull your credit report in what's known as a hard inquiry. Each one can stay on your...
View ArticleWhat Happens When Hard Inquiries Are Removed From Your Credit Report?
If you recently applied for a new credit card or loan, you may have been surprised to see a slight dip in your credit scores afterwards. Credit scores change often, but applying for a new account can...
View ArticleHow Many Hard Credit Inquiries Is Too Many?
Many factors shape your credit scores, including the number of hard inquiries you have on your credit file. Hard inquiries occur when you apply for new credit and the lender requests to review your...
View ArticleAre Hard Inquiries Considered Derogatory?
Dear Experian, Are inquiries on my credit report considered derogatory? - EKJ Dear EKJ, Inquiries are not considered derogatory—in fact, they are neither positive nor negative. They are simply a record...
View ArticleDo Multiple Loan Inquiries Affect Your Credit Score?
Consumer credit reports contain a wealth of information about you and your financial relationships with lenders. Auto loans, credit cards, mortgages, student loans and other creditor relationships...
View ArticleWhat Is a Hard Inquiry and How Does It Affect Credit?
A hard inquiry, or a "hard pull," occurs when you apply for a new line of credit, such as a credit card or loan. It means that a creditor has requested to look at your credit file to determine how much...
View ArticleWhat Is a Soft Inquiry?
A soft inquiry, sometimes known as a soft credit check or soft credit pull, happens when you or someone you authorize (like a potential employer) checks your credit report. They can also happen when a...
View ArticleWhat’s the Difference Between a Hard and Soft Inquiry?
Along your financial journey, there's a good chance a business or service provider will check your credit. Credit inquiries are essential to the credit evaluation process because they help lenders...
View ArticleFind Out Who Has Checked Your Credit Report
Dear Experian, How do I verify that a company indeed checked my credit report? - HOD Dear HOD, All you have to do to verify a company checked your credit report is get a copy. Every time someone,...
View ArticleWhy Inquiries Can Change Credit Scores
Dear Experian, Why does my score change with inquiries? - ADM Dear ADM, A "hard" inquiry is a record that your credit report was accessed in response to an application you submitted. These inquiries...
View ArticleAre My Mortgage Inquiries Hurting My Credit Scores?
Dear Experian, I pay everything on time, but my score is still low. Mortgage inquiries are hurting me. What can I do? — TKB Dear TKB, Your credit score is a direct reflection of all of the items in...
View ArticleDo Utility Companies Run Credit Checks?
When you're moving to a new address, one of the items on your to-do list will involve setting up utility services such as electricity or water. As part of this process, a utility company may check...
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